******************************************************************************** * * * Aflow STEFANO CURTAROLO - Duke University 2003-2021 * * High-Throughput ab-initio Materials Discovery * * * ******************************************************************************** LATEST VERSION OF THE FILE: materials.duke.edu/AFLOW/README_AFLOW_GFA.TXT ******************************************************************************** AFLOW-GFA README This README was written by Denise Ford and the code was written by Denise Ford and Eric Perim. Citation info: - D.C. Ford, D. Hicks, C. Oses, C. Toher, and S. Curtarolo, Metallic glasses for biodegradable implants, submitted (2019); arXiv: 1902.00485. - E. Perim, D. Lee, Y. Liu, C. Toher, P. Gong, Y. Li, W. N. Simmons, O. Levy, J.J. Vlassak, J. Schroers, and S. Curtarolo, Spectral descriptors for bulk metallic glasses based on the thermodynamics of competing crystalline phases, Nat. Commun. 7 (2016) 12315. ******************************************************************************** OVERVIEW This algorithm computes the spectrum of glass-forming ability (GFA) for an alloy system based on the enthalpy and structural similarity of crystalline phases. Structures and formation enthalpies are loaded from the AFLOW repository. Local atomic environments are calculated for each unique atom in each structure, and the similarity between two structures is characterized by the number of atomic environments that they have in common. Local variations in the composition of an alloy system are captured by taking linear combinations of pairs (binary systems) or triplets (ternary systems) of structures at stoichiometries other than the global stoichiometry, while requiring that the local stoichiometries balance to the global stoichiometry. Weights are assigned to each contribution from a Gaussian distribution based on the distance between the local and global stoichiometries. The structures and enthalpies of metastable states (anything with a formation enthalpy above the convex hull) are compared to those of the ground state (defined by the convex hull). The structures of metastable states are also compared to each other. A Boltzmann factor is used to determine the enthalpy proximity between a metastable state and the ground state. Finally, the GFA is calculated over a grid of stoichiometries as the multiplication of the functions describing the structural similarity and enthalpy similarity normalized by the sum of the weights. AFLOW_CHULL is used to calculate the convex hull and AFLOW_COMPARE is used to remove duplicate structures from the analysis. ******************************************************************************** USAGE: aflow --gfa --alloy=XX --ae_file=YY --cutoff_energy=ZZ > output.out XX is the case sensitive alloy system (e.g. CaCu). YY is the name of a file containing the atomic environments for the system (e.g. All_atomic_environments_read.dat). The name must not be All_atomic_environments.dat. The code will calculate the atomic environments if no file is specified. ZZ is the formation enthalpy per atom in eV to use as a cutoff for including structures in the analysis. Set this based on the expected glass transition temperature of the system. The default is 0.05 eV ~ 580 K. It is suggested to direct the standard out to a file (e.g. output.out) because it contains useful information about the calculation that you may want to keep. ******************************************************************************** OUTPUT: standard out - contains information about the calculation, such as which atomic environments were read/calculated and the GFA calculation at each stoichiometry (weights, number of combinations (pseudostructures), etc.) GFA_entries.dat - contains the stoichiometries and formation enthalpies of the structures used in the GFA calculation. GFA_xx.dat - contains the GFA at each stoichiometry on the grid for the alloy system. All_atomic_environments.dat - contains the atomic environments for each species in each structure used in the GFA calculation. The format is: AUID = aaaa atom = species # atoms # environments # types of vertices in each environment (one entry for each environment) # occurrences of each environment (one entry for each environment) # each vertex # triangles # squares (# types vertices x 3 entries) For a description of atomic environments, see P. Villars, Factors governing crystal structures, in: J.H. Westbrook, R.L. Fleisher (Eds.), Crystal Structures of Intermetallic Compounds, Wiley, New York, 2000, pp. 1-49. ********************************************************************************